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- 17 05 2001 - 23:08 - katatonik

And then you come home into a neighbourhood turned exhibition

And then you come home into a neighbourhood flooded with people, with shops that are usually closed for good suddenly opened and turned into exhibition halls, with nice cuddly art all over the place – an installation here, an object there -, and then you find that even the usually closed shop in your own house is now opened and that music comes out from inside. And then you peep in, and then you sip a glass of wine, marvel at darkened walls of rooms that must have housed a good old Viennese Gasthaus, with pictures of wine-cellars painted right onto a wall, and then you walk around trying to figure out how these rooms fit into the imaginary map of this house in your head – this your new house -, and then there is a band singing about lots of animals, including parrots.

from soho to raz ohara ( ! ) to chelsea to schwab and back home.

name what name dont know now (May 18, 03:13 am) #

no wonder that you don't know your name - after this tour.

katatonik (May 18, 10:40 am) #

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