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- 28 10 2001 - 02:09 - katatonik

A word of advice

Long time no see, dear visitors. Have been busy building up stamina for winter time, always a challenge in a sock’s life because of increase in shoe-internal humidity and, therefore, humiliation.
Well, I’m still sort of busy – don’t ask -, but just thought to divert your attention to a rather intruiguing thought that I’ve recently come cross on this lovely page:

After my shower, I sit on the edge of my bed and put on my socks. Between the left and right sock, I invariably enter into a moment of deep consideration about my existence.

The notion that the dialectical tension between left and right sock, a source for much grief and eternal sadness to us irrevocably separated lovers, might have an impact on human pensiveness, that it might serve as an occasion for fruitful pondering and productive inwardness – well, this should be further pursued in both thought and life.
I also like the idea that said humble man puts on his socks after a shower. More consideration of existential matters and more pre-sock showering would certainly do some of our local camp heroes some good.

oh sock, ye grand master of insinuation: who, pray, did you have in mind as target of your most unnecessary recommendations?
apart from that, some pre-foot washing might do your own species some good as well.

foot (Oct 29, 12:05 pm) #

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