Neil! An alien!
Oppression can have strange effects. One of its most obvious effects is that the oppressed start reproducing the mechanisms of oppression on others, like rats carrying out psychological (or genetic?) experiments with their offspring. Some students at some university institute in Vienna created the Institut für Senfkunde und Internationale Palindromistik (ISP), fully equipped with typically bureaucratic, rather sadistic statutes. As Institute as institute can be.
Said institute devotes its efforts to the study of Senf (mustard) and the creation of palindromes, both of which are beautifully combined in their production of mustard-related palindromes. Their classification of palindromes into several amazingly named subtypes is absolutely outstanding. My favourite is the “Kyklopalindrom” – these are palindromes that you have to write in a circle to get them to work – “Nenne Hegel Legehenne”, inspired by the more extensive “anbei die Legehennen rufen, Nefur; nenne Hegel Eidieb!”, taken from a dialogue between the owner of an Egyptian chicken farm and his servant Nefur, both of whom are confronted with the notorious egg-thief (GWF) Hegel – the entertainment value of this site is greatly enhanced by the commentaries that try to concoct some story to make the often, er, eccentric palindromes seem more natural. Could you easily come up with stories in which statements like the following are uttered, er, naturally – “Na, Ede, regt Gerede an? – Nat, Gerede regt an”, “Senil? Oho, klar: Alkohol, Ines!”, or “Energie treibt Bierteig, Rene!”? Familiarity breeds contempt, so they say. Does oppression breed nerdism?