Overheard in one of the episodes on DVD 5 of Studio 60: fututzed.
Harriet Hayes, the lead actress of the fictional TV show “Studio 60 on the sunset strip”, uses the word once when speaking with Matt Albie, the writer. I can’t remember exactly, but she either accuses him of being fututzed about something, or tells him not to get fututzed.
The word is barely attested in the virtual space. Onomatopoetically, I’d say it means to get or to be agitated about something, in a nervous and/or enthusiastsic and/or angry way. I’d also say it’s probably yiddish, or used to be.
[Matt Albie is jewish, Harriet Hayes is a faithful Christian; their relationship enacts the divide between liberal democrats and the Christian right, between atheists and believers, science and religion, you name it.]
[“verdutzt”, sagt g., übrigens. “verdutzt”.]