Marketplace antics
Do I understand correctly that by posting a photo over at, say, mks which automatically contains a link to camp catatonia in my nickname I am actually increasing the value of camp catatonia on the venerable stock market?
Bly me, this reeks of shameless market manipulation!
Wir haben hier auch so Strategen, die das Netz als Markt betrachten und Informationen auf ihren Warencharakter reduzieren.
gHack (Apr 4, 01:51 am) #
Stock market? I'd rather kalauer that CC is placed highest on the _sock_ market! And in my own humble heart, of course.
gHack (Apr 4, 01:53 am) #
kalau away, darling. for an original hackish kalauer i would even sacrifice my top selling position on the sock market.
katatonik (Apr 4, 01:59 am) #
Out of shenaniganic considerations I stopped reading your above posting after the word "top".
gHack (Apr 4, 02:14 am) #
thanks to whoever added Camp Catatonia to the index - thank you very much indeed for mentioning me, albeit in an almost aristocratical indirectness.
blogshare s spider (Apr 4, 09:47 am) #
So you have eingesaut yourself from top to toe with blue aristocratic spider-blood. You like it?
blogshare s spider (Apr 4, 05:01 pm) #