may we kindly have your attention
and redirect it to a campfire song that our esteemed visitor katha suggested. Further suggestions are welcome, even though we can unfortunately not guarantee that all of our catatonia members will agree to singing your tunes. You know – socks don’t sing anything other than love-tunes, feet don’t sing anything other than marxist marching tunes, the cataleptic recoding department only sleeps and doesn’t sing at all, and katatonik, well, let me put it this way: there’s not always a way where there’s a will.
On a related issue, camp catatonia would indeed like to expand into aural domains and enchant its esteemed visitors with selected catasonic soundbites. Alas, serverspace is a bit tight in these quarters – please direct generous offers (ahem) of serverspace to the usual suspects at this establishment. And don’t forget to take your shoes off, if you please.