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- 4 01 2006 - 15:49 - katatonik

Note to self from the operating system surfing bot: iTunes on Linux with CrossOver Office

A few days ago I did the DJ, equipped with a few CDs and a laptop (would the real DJ please burst out laughing right now so that we can get this over with? Thank you!). Because the laptop’s sound card could not be brought to work under SuSE 10.0, I had to use Windows which is installed there as the second operating system, and I decided to use iTunes. It just seemed the easiest, playlist- and track-search-wise.

After the hangover was cured the next day, I looked around whether there wasn’t some equivalent to iTunes for Linux. There didn’t seem to be any.

Out of interest, I started playing around with the trial version of CrossOver Office, a commercial application that lets you run popular Windows applications under Linux, allegedly also without MS licensing costs. iTunes (4.0) is one of these. [Trial version: fully functional for 30 days, with occasional reminders of its trial version status.]

The installation was a breeze. CrossOver Office (short CO)) offers an interface that lets you download and install a number of Windows programs. iTunes and Quick Time were installed in no time; the appropriate sub-menus for CO and iTunes were added to my Gnome desktop.

After I dumped the Quick Time Ogg Vorbis plugin (oggvorbis.qtx; there’s several of these plugins around it seems) in the appropriate folder, iTunes even manages to play ogg sound files. The Windows iScrobbler plugin, though not officially supported by CO, could also be installed without problems – iTunes now properly submits all my listened tracks to last.fm. Surveillance rules!

[In case you want to know: CO creates a folder structure in the user’s home directory. To install the Ogg Vorbis plugin, I just dumped oggvorbis.qtx in /home/username/.cxoffice/win2000/drive_c/Windows/System/QuickTime.]

iTunes runs a bit slow; it takes a while for the GUI to react to clicks. Occasionally there are glitches, especially when I simultaneously use Firefox (in Linux).

http://www.gtkpod.org/ ??

cri (Jan 11, 07:12 am) #

Nicht wegen des Betriebs eines iPods, sondern wegen der Oberfläche.

gHack (Jan 11, 05:14 pm) #

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