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- 11 07 2001 - 02:18 - katatonik

More about cuteness

“The “Heidi” exhibition at the Strauhof Museum in Zurich, part of the “heidi 01” project commemorating author Johanna Spyri’s death 100 years ago, has recreated a Japanese girl’s bedroom. Between the computer, candy-colored panties and Heidi Manga comics, one can watch the cartoon by Takahata Isao, who founded the Heidi cult in 1975 and possibly also laid the foundations for the “cuteness” culture of Japanese teenagers. For these young people who refuse to differentiate between the sexes and fit into the rigid working world, Heidi is the icon of their post-adolescent moratorium—boys may be cool, but girls are kawaii (sweet, cute, nice).” Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.
Incidental information: In a 1913 dictionary, homesickness is described as the “medical term for a Swiss syndrome”. [Via WorldNewYork]

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