<A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/Alley/3466/transrpt.htm">Plato Chairs</A>
Hi boys and girls. Welcome to Uncle Ed’s one and only true world of science
Today we are going to investigate the parable of Plato’s cave.
What Plato said is that we really don’t know what reality is. That it could just be some kind of fantasy world that some one has been manipulating for us.
And to help is my two assistance here in Uncle Ed’s Playhouse
This is Helga
Can you say hi Helga?
And this is Susan. Susan can you say hi?
And for Plato’s cave what we have to have is special chairs.
Special chairs will keep Helga and Susan from looking around and seeing what is going on beside them. Because this is what Plato said.
And also we have a special Reality. This is our reality. It is going to be here on the screen. Now we have to put Helga and Susan in our special chairs.
Now the shields on the side are so they can’t see what is going on beside them.
The only reality they are aware of is the one in front of them.
They’re in their special chairs. Now what we are going to do is light a candle.
And the candle will project onto the screen their reality and according to Plato they would think that this is them because they cannot see to the side of them they are not aware that they have any bodies at all.
Helga will think this is their reality and they will think this is them.
ein bisserl spartanisch allerdings, das menü. ich finde, man sollte socken nie ohne beilagen verspeisen. und wenn man das kochwasser nicht mit olivenöl versetzt, sind die maschen immer so ungeschmeidig.
katatonik (Mar 15, 07:15 pm) #
hab noch NIE einen socken ohne beilage und olivenöl gegessen, ehrlich nicht.
also ich... (Mar 18, 02:24 pm) #