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- 2 05 2002 - 11:55 - katatonik

The evening before the first day of official unemployment

the bohemian unemployed stike again

Ahh, Mojitos. I had my first one in Hemingway's favorite bar in Havana, the Bodeguita del Medio. But out of curiosity what is in a Hemingway Spezial? Could it be a Daiquiri under a different name?

Perhaps, someday, we will sup cocktails again....

Sven Serrano (May 4, 03:56 am) #

No idea. It had orange-coloured clouds in it and a cocktail-cherry, no daiquiri, as they were also on the menu. I wasn't the one drinking it, so I forgot what it was. I'm sure cocktails in Shanghai aren't so bad either, are they?

katatonik (May 5, 12:44 am) #

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