Und plötzlich war es die Hälfte des Landes gewesen
“When Haider’s party entered the Austrian government, half of Austrian society protested vehemently. Even at the recent municipal elections in Belgium, the advance of the Vlaams Belang was halted by the awakening of civil society and the emergence of liberal-left coalitions. But when the Poles and Slovaks voted extreme-right, racist parties into their parliaments, it was accepted with apathy tinged with incredulity.”
[Judit Kiss: Xenophobes, not workers, are uniting across Europe; Guardian, 29.1.2007.]
OT: Habe heute endlich meine Post abgeholt, und mich sehr über deine CD vom Winter Swap gefreut. Danke. Wo ich doch sowas so selten höre, um so besser,