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- 16 03 2003 - 20:22 - katatonik

A matter of note

(Richard Tipping)

dear richard tipping
thankyou for this wonderful notice
i had to laugh so loud my neighbours shut the windows

chantal labinski (Sept 26, 12:46 pm) #

dear chantal labinski,
unfortunately I am not richard tipping, and I doubt richard tipping passes by this establishment, but if he does, I shall gladly pass on to him your notification regarding your noticing this notice about noticing a notice. Oh, and please notify mr. hager of my kindest regards, and my sincere hopes of seeing him soonish in Vienna.

katatonik (Sept 26, 05:46 pm) #

hello this is richard tipping, of the NOTICE sign ... thanks for your enjoyments! ... i live in newcastle, australia ... you can see some of my works at artpoem.com
my signs are available from the ICA in london, and the MCA in sydney

richard tipping (Nov 9, 09:17 am) #

As you are indeed passing through these premises, Mr. Tipping, I can now proceed as announced here and inform you that Ms. Chantal Labinski noticed your notice about noticing a notice. Come to think of it, this act of notification now can probably really count as "reporting it to authorities", you being the main authority in matters of notification.

Noticingly yours,


katatonik (Nov 11, 01:43 am) #

Further notifications.

katatonik (Nov 11, 01:44 am) #

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