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- 20 08 2004 - 17:14 - katatonik

The caugh and the courtesy

Entering the Kyoto subway system, my throat suddenly felt dry and swarming with frogs. I had to caugh. I started with some modest caughing on the platform. A few seconds later the man ahead of me in the queue for the train moved away, to a different train entrance.

I stepped on the train, later changed into another. The frogs caught up with me, and I caughed again, modestly, hand covering mouth and all. A middle-aged woman, delicate, frail, whiteishly made up, holds a handkerchief over her mouth and nose until I leave the train.

Paranoia? Methinksnot. (Frogs left the train, too, and went to shop for accessories later, without me.)

I wanna catch your virus, Baby!

gHickup (Aug 20, 06:59 pm) #

You *are* my virus, honey.

katatonik (Aug 21, 02:38 am) #

als ich in wien japanische touristen mit mundschutz sah, dachte ich auch an paranoia, bis man mich aufklärte, dass SIE verkühlt wären und niemanden anstecken wollen...

sweetmaker (Aug 22, 08:59 pm) #

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